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Annette Shaner
Sep 4, 2018
Seeing Through Our Realities
We created all of them. From the moment they were born to the moment they died, we had a cord attached to them. They filled a need for...

Annette Shaner
Aug 5, 2018
The Blank Space
Sometimes there is nothing. It all seems gone. There is no whisper on the wind. No hidden hand behind the curtain pointing in any...

Annette Shaner
Jul 5, 2018
Shared Dreaming: Cracking the Dream Code
Two people in different areas dream a dream. In this existence, they would be labeled as friends. In other levels of perception, they...

Annette Shaner
Jun 1, 2018
The Body Connection
Intuition has been called a “gut feeling.” That nagging presence that energetically points us in one direction. It was always pushing us...
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