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Annette Shaner
Dec 27, 2018
The Purpose Others Serve
People serve many roles in our unique stories. They play the villain, victim and savior simultaneously. They bring out the best and worst...

Annette Shaner
Nov 26, 2018
Why Things Collapse
Maybe they weren’t meant for us in the first place. The old sayings, “everything happens for a reason” and “everything works out for the...

Annette Shaner
Oct 30, 2018
A Journey to Trust
Trust is defined as a firm belief in the reliability and truth of something. It seems simple enough, finding the ability to believe. In...

Annette Shaner
Oct 2, 2018
Why We Revisit the Old
It happens to all of us. The choice was made. We adamantly decided we would never put ourselves through “that” again. We care to much...
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